Nytec Meeting, New Ideas, and Back to Our Roots

Last week our team had a meeting with Vincent Ball from Nytec, one of our mentors for this project. We visited the Nytec studios and took a tour of their in-house usability and prototyping facilities. We presented some early concepts to Vince and had a very insightful discussion about the problem area of our project.

The conversation we had with Vince steered our thoughts back towards some ideas we started thinking about early on in the capstone project. At the same time, it also helped us see how some parts of the concepts we had recently been working on needed to be relooked and reconsidered. Some big insights came out in the course of the conversation, which we considered in the round of ideation that followed, and which has now culminated into a brand-new concept.

Some of the questions we discussed: how can we leverage the 3D depth camera technology? How do we bring about additional value to content using this technology? What new possibilities are there when this camera technology is in everyday personal devices? This further got us thinking about how all this could change the way news content is created. What if depth camera technology and the right software enabled anyone to contribute to their own high-quality work to enhance the work of professional journalists? This would be a fantastic opportunity to involve people in co-creation of content. In a way, this was us coming back closer to the design question we started out with: the focus on removing the barrier between creation and consumption of content.