Intel Portland Trip

Activity and Process

Our team scheduled a meeting with Mike Premi at the Intel’s Jones Farm campus at Hillsboro, OR for May 24th. We packed a Mini Cooper with four of us and drove all the way from Seattle to Hillsboro. Our fifth member joined online using conference software once the meeting was rolling. We were warmly welcomed and started off by getting to know each other a bit better. Next we dove into the discussions around project ideas. As we signed an NDA with Intel, we won’t be able to disclose major portions of the meeting. Overall, the meeting was successful and we were invited for a dinner at a nearby sushi restaurant. The day didn’t end here; overwhelmed with ideas shown and discussions we had with Mike, we couldn’t stop ourselves from having an ideation session in our hotel room.

Joe and food
Hotel room ideation

Key Observations and Takeaway

The meeting with Mike helped us better understand the constraints that we will be working under. Primarily, the underlying goal is to make the Intel’s tablets and 2-in-1’s using Perceptual Technology more valuable, with a further focus on changing the publishing industry. The meeting also helped us gained a ton of insights and possible directions from design solutions we were shown. We were questioning the rationale behind some of these solutions, which led us to identify gaps and possible interventions in the problem space. We were asking ourselves questions like:

  • We need to create 3D content first to be able consume later. How can journalists create compelling 3D content?
  • How can we create a coffee table-like experience in the digital world? The emotion is missing.
  • Explorative vs. Imaginative. Books vs. Movies. Explore vs. Explain.

Implications for Design and Moving Forward

The meeting had a huge impact on the direction that we were earlier intending to take our project towards. The recognized constraints will help us channel the project. We also convinced ourselves that the publish space is full of interesting and compelling opportunities.